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Our Services

Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor Chelmsford, MA

The otolaryngologists at Mass ENT Associates offer a full array of ear, nose and throat services. Whether you have swimmer's ear, a sore throat, trouble swallowing or hearing loss, our physicians will work with you to achieve your optimal health. You can learn more about our services by reading this section of our website.

  • Adenoids
  • Allergies
  • Dizziness
  • Ear Infection
  • Ear Tubes
  • Earwax
  • Head and Neck Cancers
  • Hearing Loss
  • Hoarseness
  • Mouth Sores
  • Nasal Fractures
  • Nosebleeds
  • Pediatric ENT Care
  • Sinuses
  • Skin Cancer
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Smell & Taste Disorders
  • Thyroid
  • Tinnitus
  • Tonsils
  • Voice Disorders
  • Nasal Plastic Surgery
  • Audiology
  • Voice Therapy
  • Ultrasounds



The inner ear serves two purposes: hearing and balance. There are mechanisms in the ear that inform the brain about your position, orientation in space and movement at all times to keep you in balance. A false sensation of spinning or whirling, known as vertigo, can occur when the signal to the brain is blocked or misfires.

Ear Infection

Ear Infection

The ear is made up of three sections: the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. Each of these areas is susceptible to infections, which can be painful. Young children have a greater tendency to get earaches. While most ear pain resolves itself in a matter of days, you should get a physical examination to understand the type of infection, prevent it from spreading and obtain treatment to help alleviate the pain.

Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss has a lot of different causes and manifestations. It can be sudden or gradual. It can occur in one ear or both ears. It can be temporary or permanent. It happens to people of all ages and is associated with the aging process. Before discussing causes and treatments for hearing loss, it is important to understand how hearing works.

Mouth Sores

Mouth Sores

There are a variety of sores that can occur in or around the mouth. Most are benign, but some may be indicative of cancer.

Neck Pain

Neck Pain

Neck pain is often a result of overuse of the muscles and ligaments in the neck from sports, recreational activities, work or household chores. It is generally characterized by stiffness, a kink or severe pain in the neck, shoulders, upper back and/or arms. Neck pain can also be caused by stress, trauma or injury or maybe a symptom of the flu or meningitis.

Breathing Problems

Breathing Problems

The nose serves three primary functions: to warm, humidify and filter air as it passes into the body. Breathing problems may impact one or multiple of these functions. Breathing problems can be temporary or chronic, mild or severe, but they usually increase with age.

Snoring/Sleep Apnea

Snoring/Sleep Apnea

Snoring is a noise produced during sleep that originates in the back of the throat or nose. Snoring occurs when the muscles in the back of the mouth, tongue and throat relax while sleeping, which narrows or blocks the airway. Breathing causes your uvula (soft palate) to vibrate and knock against the back of the throat, resulting in the snoring sound.

Sore Throat

Sore Throat

Everyone experiences sore throats when they have a cold or flu. But there are other reasons for sore throats that may be symptomatic of more serious problems.

Head and Neck Cancers

Head and Neck Cancers

Most head and neck cancers are relatively preventable since they are highly correlated with tobacco use and alcohol consumption. They are also generally curable if caught early. Symptoms to watch out for include pain swallowing, trouble breathing, ear pain, a lump in the neck that lasts longer than two weeks, a growth in the mouth and bleeding from the mouth, nose or throat.

Oral Cancers

Oral Cancers

Oral cancers appear as red or white patches of mouth tissue or small ulcers that look like a canker sores, but are painless. Oral cancers usually form on the tongue or floor of the mouth, but can occur on any tissue in and around the mouth.